'Suits' Finale: In The War For The Firm, Jessica Asserts Her Authority Over Harvey (VIDEO)

Things got angry and heated and ugly in the season finale of "Suits" on USA. The episode was very appropriately title "War." And while it was mostly a war for the future of the firm -- to merge or not to merge -- it was more a very personal battle between Jessica and Harvey.

In this episode, Harvey -- and Mike -- learned just how far Jessica was willing to go to get her way and assert her dominance. It meant she put a kibosh on the secret filings to try and undermine the merger deal. She did so by threatening to expose Mike and destroy him, leading him to back down. In doing so, he didn't realize how much what he was doing impacted Harvey's standing.

In triumph, Jessica said to Harvey, "Boy, I just kicked your ass. And you didn’t just want it, you begged me for it. So, now, you’re going to stay here, be humble and learn your G*dd*mn place!"


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via The Full Feed from HuffingtonPost.com http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/22/suits-finale-war-jessica-harvey-video_n_2739280.html