Still get nervous particulary of my sister's friends

I haven't posted on this forum for about 2 years as I thought my SA had improved, which it has in some ways, like I dont really get nervous about eating out in restaurants much now since I have been eating out alot with my boyfriend, I have a job even though I am still quiet with staff members. But the one thing that really gets me is I am really nervous around my sister and her friends. She is married and has her own house but I still live at home and cos my parents are going away on holiday on Friday, my sister told my mum that she is coming down one weekend when they are still away and having some friends over to the house (my parents house)

I got all pissed off with my mum because I thought that it's funny how she always decides to have friends over when my parents are away, told her my sister is only doing it cos she knows I get nervous around them (but it's also cos her friends live near my parents house not hers.)

I thought when my sister moved out to her own place I felt so relieved cos I htought it meant when she has friends she will bring them to her house but no, cos her friends live in my area whenever she wants to see them they can come here!

I am glad my boyfriend has his own place. I am hoping that my job won't want me to work on the days my sister and her friends are here so I can go and stay up my boyfriends house. I feel like I want to even ask my boss for those days off too lol so I don't have to come back from work and see them here and then I can stay up his. Even if he has to work and won't really be at his house. I'll kinda do anything right now to get away from sister's friends!

I just can't stand being in the house with my sister's friends. I get so nervous around them. I'd feel like I'd just stay in my room without going down to the kitchen because they are there and come out only when they are gone. I am 26 and I thought my SA had died down, til my sister and her friends want to come over and my SA kicks in! argh!

Sorry just a rave here, probably wanted somewhere to get it off my chest.

And ask the question did anyone else think there SA had improved and then something comes up and you think Oh no, I do still have SA issues over this though?

via Social Anxiety Forum