Nearly defeated SA, now in a stalemate.

How to make friends?


My story:

Approx a year and 2 months ago I diagnosed my self with SA (the time I got into university). I had it for years though in school.

I am a foreign student in another country.

Many hard battles later, many fights and cries and mostly JUMPING into the experiences.

I can bravely say SA is little to none.

I can do Presentations without showing I am anxious (apparently no one feels my anxiousness I still have during presentation.).

Now, I kinda not give a F about what people think of me.


In uni I have a lot of acquaintances, well not many, but big enough.

Some I can easily speak to back and forth.

The problem is friends, lack of friends.

I not only do I like but I LOVE some people around me, it is just that, it feels I am a whole world away.

I am still a "foreigner". We trust each other, it is just that they lived in this country a lot and know everywhere and have a lot of friends and busy unlike me who barely know anyone here.

I feel very lonely.

I do not understand how some became best friends from the first few weeks of uni and now I am in my second year and I just started to trust and talking to my classmates.

They are awesome. I just have no idea how to make friends and join their life.

How do you make friends as a foreigner?

Any experiences?

via Social Anxiety Forum