Maybe the government should enlist Veronica Mars to save the economy too, LOL!
We thought reaching $1M so fast was impressive, but Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas' Veronica Mars movie kickstarter has reached its $2M goal (all thanks to fan donations)...
Commenting on the insanity, Kristen said:
"I knew Veronica Mars fans were cool, but I had no idea they could rally with such power. They are unstoppable — just like Veronica. I will have a permanent blush on my face, feeling so lucky to be associated with this entire thing."
Sharing the same enthusiasm with his star, series creator Rob also chimed in with:
"My mind is blown. I’ve been fantasizing about this taking big and had to tell myself, 'Stop it, Rob, you’re being silly. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment.' And now today has exceeded the wildest pipe dream I let myself entertain. Holy cow. We better make a good movie. These amazing fans have stepped up. We better deliver."
Umm... OUR mind is blown! This is going to start a crazy chain-reaction of fan-funding movie projects for all sorts of TV series!!
Just think... if the power of K-Bell can be harnessed to do this for Veronica Mars, just imagine what it could do for Gossip Girl , LOL!!
Warner Bros. is so game now, they've agreed to place the VM movie in production AND pick up the marketing, promotion, and distribution bills on top of that!!
The film, which will obviously involve murder and mystery (and a high school reunion), is set for an early 2014 release.
And don't worry fans, if you haven't contributed, you still can. The pot's over $2.5M right now. Who knows how high it can get!! Momma needs a new sloth!
CLICK HERE to donate!
via PerezHilton
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