How do you deal with group situations

So I had to do a group project with a few other people a few days ago and I tend to just freeze up. It really bothers me that I can't speak up in these situations, my voice becomes low/inaudible and my mind goes blank. Worst of all I start to stutter and stumble over my words. All I can think about is to leave and go home. I sound like a total fool because I can even speak properly due to my nervousness.

In any other situation I can speak fine, this may sound weird, but this happens at very specific situations. If I know the people for a long time or if they are complete strangers I can speak to them fine. I think its expectations of other people, I really don't know, but it is so frustrating.

Just wanted to know if anyone else gets really nervous in group settings and how you deal with it?

via Social Anxiety Forum