Do you have a "Pausing Speech Impediment?"

I have a pausing impediment also called choppy speech. It definitely affects my SA and my SA affects it.

I know it is very unpleasant for people to deal with. And it's very difficult for me to change.

Some pausing is good of course but I often pause after every 2-5 words. The problem with choppy speech is that I leave people waiting for me to continue. And, if they have to wait too often or too long for me to resume my words, they will sometimes stop listening, interrupt, finish my sentences or just look annoyed or anguished.

I think that the best way for me to reduce my pausing would be to ask someone I know to signal to me when I'm pausing too often - by saying something like "ding" when no one else is in the conversation - or by giving me some kind of hand signal.

As well as perhaps giving me a verbal and/or nonverbal signal when I'm speaking without pausing - for positive reinforcement - like nodding in a bit of an exaggerated way while smiling and having eye contact.

(The problem with this strategy is that right now I'm not hanging out with anyone on a regular enough basis.)

Does anyone else have this pause problem and if so, have you found anything that helps?

Or do you know of any other ways that someone could signal to me?

via Social Anxiety Forum