Anyone ever have days on end of feeling manic, obsessed and out of control?? Help.

My mind is in over drive at the moment. I literally can't stop thinking about everything, everyone, things that have happened recently or years ago and I can't calm down enough to do any of my relaxation techniques or sleep or even eat. All I can do is pace around my room and occasionally be sick. I've been like this for 3 days now and it's horrendous. I feel completely on the edge and this manic feeling is broken by periods of uncontrollable crying.

I have quite bad general anxiety and social anxiety and when i get like this, there's always a reason behind it.. But this time there's no apparent reason what so ever and I've never been like this for such a long time with no break at all. I literally do not know what to do.

I go to counselling weekly and have a session next Thursday but I can't keep going on like this for the next few days. I have no one I can turn to either without feeling like a burden... I just feeling completely crazy.

Does anyone else ever get like this?? Help.. :(

Keira. x

via Social Anxiety Forum