SWAT team sent to home of CNN’s Wolf Blitzer

A message sent to police in Montgomery County, Virginia on Saturday caused a SWAT team to descend upon a home owned by CNN host Wolf Blitzer, under the impression that someone at the residence had just been shot.

The report turned out to not be true, according to The Washington Post , which noted that Blitzer was not home at the time. Police were already suspicious of the message when they arrived on the scene, the Post noted, having received a text message sent through a phone provider’s emergency relay service.

The case is yet another instance of the growing trend known as “swatting,” where authorities are called to someone’s home under false pretenses. Other recent notable victims of swatting include Fox News contributor Erik Erickson, television personality Ryan Seacrest and talk show host Russell Brand, along with former Washington Post tech columnist Brian Krebs.

Police said they are still trying to determine who sent the message about a shooting at Blitzer’s home. “Wolf is fine,” a CNN spokesperson reportedly said. “That’s what matters most.”

via The Raw Story http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/04/29/swat-team-sent-to-home-of-cnns-wolf-blitzer/