Piecing together the craziest night of my life

EDIT: Okay, maybe all that detail was unnecessary. Long story short:

- got drunk, went to bar

- had a bit of small talk with hot girl sitting on my right after she commented on my fries

- had babbling, incoherent conversation with guys sitting on my left and middle-aged woman, who were all as drunk as me

- when I got up to leave, I PUT MY HAND ON THE HOT GIRL'S BACK and said bye. :eek

May not sound like a big deal, but I've never done anything so ballsy in my life. And it's the first time I've talked to a girl in a bar, even if it was just boring small talk.

via Social Anxiety Forum http://www.socialanxietysupport.com/forum/f24/piecing-together-the-craziest-night-of-my-life-371105/