North Carolina Republicans pushing bill to put two-year hold on all divorces

North Carolina Republican lawmakers may have abandoned their plan to declare Christianity as the state’s religion, but conservative legislators in the state are still pushing forward with a plan to require a two-year waiting period on all divorces, a plan that require the couple to attend classes and workshops designed to prevent them from divorcing.

According to the Charlotte Observer , state Senators Austin Allran (R) and Sen. Warren Daniel (R) proposed the “Healthy Marriage Act” last week, which mandates a two-year wait before judges will grant married couples a divorce, two years during which they must complete counseling courses and workshops designed to improve “communication skills” and “conflict resolution.”

Couples in the state currently face a mandatory one year wait for divorces, but the Observer reported that the lines are blurry about what constitutes the end or resumption of a relationship.

The new law would “strike from the current law a provision that says ‘isolated incidents of sexual intercourse’ don’t count against” the legal waiting period, meaning that if the court can establish that a divorcing couple has had sex, it could potentially start their waiting period over.

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via The Raw Story