Michelle Obama Has A Slip Of The Tongue! First Lady Refers To Herself As A Single Mom!

First Lady Michelle Obama knows just how hard it is being a single mom.

Well, except for the "single" part!

In a recent interview, the FLOTUS talked about the hardships of mommyhood when she accidentally referred to herself as a "busy single mother!"


Michelle quickly realized her mistake when she remembered that she just so happens to be married to President Barack Obama and said:

"Sometimes when you've got the husband who's President, it can feel a little single, but he's there."

Ha! We know exactly what you mean girl!

Actually, we've never been married to the POTUS, so we have no idea what she means. But with her busy schedule, we're surprised she made it through the interview without dozing off!

It looks like someone can use a nap!

via PerezHilton http://perezhilton.com/2013-04-05-michelle-obama-accidentally-says-shes-a-busy-single-mom