Michelle Malkin Refers to Obama as 'Party Animal in Chief'

Notorious oxygen thief Michelle Malkin joined Sean Hannity Wednesday evening to express her outrage of the moment; in this case, with the Obamas over what they referred to as "a lavish party" being held next week, with guests like Justin Timberlake and Queen Latifah. They both called out the White House for spending money on such a "gala affair" only weeks after warning of the devastating consequences of the sequester.

Malkin derisively referred to President Obama as the “party animal in chief,” and then broke into her own version of LMFAO‘s “Party Rockers in the White House Tonight.” I caution you to wait at least 30 minutes after eating before viewing.

The Obamas are hosting the 'Memphis Soul' concert, which will include music legends and contemporary major artists.

"As part of their 'In Performance at the White House' series, the president and first lady will invite music legends and contemporary major artists to the White House for a celebration of Memphis soul music," the White House announced on Tuesday.

Both Hannity and Malkin also complained that Obama has taken 8 vacations already this year.

I think that Nancy Reagan said it best: “Presidents don’t get vacations — they just get a change of scenery. The job goes with you.”

President Obama in his first four years has taken 131 vacation days, dividing his time between Hawaii, Martha’s Vineyard and, of course, Camp David, the official get away of U.S. presidents. At this rate, he could hit 262 days by the end of his eighth year, which is about average for modern presidents.

The real "King of Vacation Days," now that honor falls to President George W. Bush, who racked up 1,020 vacation days in his eight years in office, including one five-week vacation, the most of any president in 36 years. Not to say he wasn’t on the job when he was at his Crawford, Texas ranch, but he was away from the White House.

After blasting the Obamas, Hannity and Malkin took an odd twist during their segment, and began reminiscing about being beaten with belts "and more" (I don't want to know.) when they were children. David Edwards covers that portion here.

via Crooks and Liars http://occupyamerica.crooksandliars.com/diane-sweet/michelle-malkin-refers-obama-party-ani