Is this effed up or what?

I'll start by saying that these feelings I have/had seem as if they exist out of my control. They exist on their own, so I don't feel like they're fabricated or fake or anything like that... Here's the story.

3-4 years ago, My brother had a girlfriend and was in a relationship for a few months or so. She was a very special person and always very friendly to me. If her and my brother were ever going somewhere, she'd always get excited if I came along. I never had (or noticed) any strong feelings for her, and that could be either because at the time she was in a relationship with my brother, or, at the time I just literally didn't have any strong feelings for her. So long story short, they break up and I start to seriously miss her and have very strong feelings for her. I feel like I miss her more than my brother does, Which is odd isn't it? I wasn't the one in the "relationship" with her... However, during the time they were together, we (the 3 of us) did have some good times together. At least to me they were good times... Also, out of nowhere one day she said "I love you" to me. If she really meant it, there are some feelings to be felt there?

So, they've long since broken up and I miss her. A good amount of time has passed so I ask her out. Of course she says no (maybe because of the awkwardness that would ensue if she was my gf). This might have been a ridiculously stupid move on my part since she is basically my brother's ex and me and my brother live together at the moment. On the other hand though, my bro has since gotten with another girl (I think he's long over his last gf) and I still miss her deeply and want to be with her...

It has been years since I've last seen her and she is in a new relationship now. Oddly enough though, I still have the same feelings for her and I still miss her just as much. This incident is a huge factor of my depression, and there are only two solutions... Either she eventually comes around, or I need to go find someone else who's right for me (which is nearly impossible having SA and feelings for someone else).

So, what are your thoughts about this situation? Is it odd or abnormal? It's ok if you say yes, because I think that everyone who isn't me in this situation thinks it is (however, only me and this girl know I love her).

via Social Anxiety Forum