How do I stop from giving her the wrong impression?

So basically, I met a few girls (all into girls one way or another) on the Internet a couple of nights ago and they were all really great, especially this one girl who I'm interested in, and I got the impression she was into me from all the flirting and the way she told me she wanted to keep talking to me. We all followed each other on Tumblr and I've been talking to that girl.

The thing is though, I'm not flirty, or risk-taking, the fact that the whole conversation is actually happening is a victory in itself for me, but the problem is, one of the other girl's Tumblr has a lot of self-harm and depressing posts, so I sent her a chain of anonymous messages telling her she's great and pretty, because she is, to try and make her feel better, even just for tonight. In the end, I did tell her it was me and she posted it publicly, and the girl I'm interested in follows her and are friends and I'm 100% sure she saw it.

But I haven't said any of these sorts of things to the girl I'm interested in, no compliments, no flirting, no winky faces or anything and I'm not comfortable or confident enough to, but I don't want to give her the impression that I'm interested in her friend when I was just trying to comfort her.

So, what can I do to stop the girl I'm interested in from assuming that I'm into her friend (the fact that her friend lives in the same city as me, while she's in a different state doesn't help)? Also, what if the girl I was comforting assumes I'm into her as well?

I have no romantic experience, I don't know how to work these situations.

via Social Anxiety Forum