Considering what a musical success she’s been, we’re guessing Taylor Swift ’s thumbs up on music is a pretty big dealio!
So Selena Gomez should be damn proud that she got just that in the most adorbsie way possible!
As if anyone is shocked to hear people like Selena's hot new music...
After drastically changing her sound for her new album, we can understand if she was a little hesitant about whether or not it’d be a hit.
But Swifty had no worries!
Selena revealed the relief she felt after sending her album off to her totally talented bestie:
“She sent me a video and she's, like, dancing [to my music]. She's like the cutest dancer, because she has this little ponytail and her little bangs, and she's like just the cutest thing in the world. She's supported me from my first record to this one, and she's heard all of my stuff, so she's really sweet.”
Hollywood besties are totes like us! How cute!!
Think she approved because Selenita did some Justin Bieber bashing on it??
If only that video would go know how much we love seeing our Swifty get her dance on!
[Image via PGlg7/PGagu7/LUIS GUERRA/Ramey Pix .]
via PerezHilton
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