Hello everyone. I was directed here by a friend who thought this site could help me. I read through some posts before I mustered enough courage to make one of my own, so here it is. I'm a husband to a wonderful loving wife and a father to 3 extremely bright and intelligent children. Over time, I have spoken less and less to my friends, hardly have anything to say at all to any of my co-workers and cannot keep a good relationship with some of my family members. This has turned into a huge feeling of uneasiness, doubt and a lack of confidence whenever I'm around them now. I find myself closed off. Extremely quiet, uninviting and at times, paranoid. I can also feel myself getting irritated with little things and getting upset with my wife and children. I have thoughts of my friends saying bad things about me and feel as if everyone I encounter looks at me in an awkward way. I feel so crippled.
via Social Anxiety Forum http://www.socialanxietysupport.com/forum/f25/new-guy-409793/
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